NINJIN is a character-driven, anime inspired, action comedy animated series co-produced by the game studio Pocket Trap, Birdo Studio and Cartoon Network Brasil, taking place in the same universe as the video game Ninjin: Clash of Carrots. The series features 22 episodes, divided in 3 different formats:
ten 1-minute-long episodes, seven 3-minute-long episodes and finally an ongoing series of 7-minute-long episodes.
The story is focused on NINJIN, a rabbit cub who only cares about one thing: becoming an ass-kicking ninja master, just like his ancestors used to be in the days of yore. Alongside his pals, the frantic fox AKAI and the lazy frog FLINK, they will not only train under an ELDER RABBIT SENSEI – the real screwball around those parts – but will also face the most absurd, insane and out of control situations.
You can watch the Ninjin series on Cartoon Network and HBO Max!*
*Available only in Latin America at the moment